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Monday 7 November 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011
We extended the children’s interest in Rugby World Cup Project by making the flags of countries participating in the event. When we brainstormed, all the children expressed their desire to make a “Rugby Stadium” using the Clay (Contribution). Clay helps to explore “Shape” in three dimensions (Exploration).
The children made the clay flags using the clay. While making these flags, the children enhanced their fine motor skills and their concept of shape. They were excited to paint on these clay flags. Previous practice over three sessions of drawing the flags helped the children to add lots of detail while painting on the clay flags (Communication).
The children then made the rugby balls using the clay and painted them. They couldn’t wait to put the flags and the balls together to make the miniature Rugby stadium. This project was awesome for our children to enhance their
- Fine motor skills.
- Creativity and imagination.
- Team Building.
We are also working on learning New Zealand Anthem in Maori and English (Belonging). Without a doubt, our littlies were New Zealanders (Well-Being) after the All Blacks winning the Rugby world Cup for 2011.
Awesome Job!

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